
Bob & Julie Grimshaw

The Grimshaws have been involved in church life in a number of different areas around the UK and were living in Scotland when they first felt that God was calling them to come to Lancashire. They moved in early 2001 and initially they lived in the Over Wyre area and became part of a church in Blackpool, but in the early part of 2005 God started to direct them towards planting a new church. Practical help and encouragement was given by a number of friends from other churches in the area.

Bob has a wonderful christian heritage, his father was a pastor as was one of his grandfathers and other members of his family are also involved in christian ministry. His main gifting is in Bible teaching but he also moves in the prophetic. Julie has a "one-to-one" ministry and regularly receives prophetic insight in vision, she also leads the hospitality ministry within the church and sings in the worship group.

Phil & Jessica Warne

Phil and Jessica met while training with Youth With A Mission in 1985. They married the following year and spent their first year as a couple at Roffey Place Christian Training Centre in West Sussex. From there they went to live and work in a Christian Retreat house in Bungay, Suffolk and later became involved in the leadership of a newly planted church in the town. Phil felt the call to full-time pastoral ministry which coincided with an invitation to pastor a small church in Liskeard, Cornwall. They moved in 1993 and pastored the church for fourteen years while also bringing up their four children. During that time they saw the church grow and become established in it's own building in the town becoming involved in various outreach ministries in the community.

In 2007 Phil knew God was calling them to other things and handed over the church to a new pastor. While seeking direction for the future they attended a conference in Kirkham and heard the call of God to move up north and join Bob & Julie in the work here. They finally moved in September 2009 and are happily settled in their new life in Blackpool.

Phil has a strong pastoral and prophetic gifting, Jessica is a song writer and worship leader and they both have a heart for mission.