Amazing Grace

John Newton, the writer of 'Amazing Grace' lived in England between 1725 and 1807. Before his conversion to Christianity he was the captain of a slave ship. This song is an expression of his thankfulness to God for forgiving him and loving him in spite of his past.

Millions of people across the world today can also testify to this 'amazing grace' and the reality of God's love in their lives. As one of your local churches we would like to share some of our own stories with you....


After leaving high school with poor GCSE results, no prospects for the future and an anger and desperation that spiralled into a form of depression, I went to a church service to see what the rest of my family were doing. Although God touched my life that night, life didn't become a bed of roses overnight, and things can still be tough, but now I have Someone to turn to.

In the years that followed my life-changing night, God has used my past experiences of life to be able to talk to and counsel other people. Since then I got married and my wife and I moved into our first house together. We believe that God had His hand on the whole marriage, from the timing, to the arrangements and to the life that my wife and I now live.

If you're feeling like you're missing something in life or that you aren't going anywhere and the future is bleak, all you need to do is talk to God. Just talk as though He is sitting next to you, as a friend!!! There is nothing to lose and so much to gain!!


I am 65 years of age and for the past 28 years I have had a personal relationship with Jesus.

In that time I have received many healing miracles, He has also miraculously provided to meet my every need in so many different ways. He has protected me in life-threatening situations, lifted me from the depths of despair, given me comfort, peace and joy in heartbreaking circumstances and He continually leads me along the paths that He wants me to go to fulfil the wonderful plans and purposes which He has for my life.


I became a Christian at the age of 21. Motorcycling had been the focus of my life and due to a hit and run accident at 18 I was left with a badly damaged leg. This had consequences for my career and relationships. I began to think seriously about spiritual things - I had always believed that the beauty and complexity of creation had to be more than just the product of chance.

On my 21st Birthday while watching a sunset I said this prayer 'God if you're real do something in my life this year'. Within a few months that prayer was answered.

I started reading about the life of Jesus in the Bible and also read the true story of a woman who had been an alcoholic, drug addict, prostitute, while also heavily involved in Satanism - she told how she had found forgiveness and healing through Jesus Christ. Her story helped me to discover for myself that God is real and that through Jesus he had done everything to enable me to come into a relationship with him forever. Since committing my life to Christ I now have the assurance that nothing, not even death can separate me from God's love and purpose.

We believe every local church is a part of God's family and family life means enjoying each other's company and being there to help and support each other. No one should feel lonely or isolated in God's family and it is our heart to reflect this in our church life.

Can we help you in any of the following ways?

  • Would you like to talk to someone about what it means to be a Christian?
  • Would you like us to pray for you for healing or for any spiritual problem?
  • Would you like to receive some free literature about the Christian Faith?
Please Contact Us for more information.